Grants and Community Assistance

The Queensland Government has a range of funding programs available.  To find out more information, click on the Grant Finder button below. 

Grant Finder

We provide support for our residents and regional organisations through a range of grants and support packages listed below. 

  • The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is a partnership between Whitsunday Regional Council and the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland, which invests in quality arts and cultural experiences across Queensland based on locally determined priorities.

    RADF promotes the role and value of arts and culture as key drivers to: support diversity and inclusivity; grow strong regions; and provide training, education and employment opportunities for Queensland artists and local communities.

    All projects and activities receiving RADF funding are required to report on their contribution towards RADF 2023/2024 Key Performance Outcomes (KPOs) included in the RADF guidelines.

    Funding Rounds

    There will be four rounds per funding period.

    Applications will be due by 4:00pm on the closing dates:

    Round 1 Close:  Wednesday, 21 August 2024
    For projects commencing after Monday, 30 September 2024
    Round 2 Close:  Wednesday, 30 October 2024
    For projects commencing after Monday, 9 December 2024
    Round 3 Close:  Wednesday, 26 February 2025
    For projects commencing after Monday, 14 April 2025

    Any applications received after the closure of a funding round will not be considered until the next funding round.

    Funding for each round is limited - in the event that funds are expended, the RADF Advisory Committee may reduce funding amounts or encourage applicants to re-apply in future funding rounds.

    Useful Links

    For further information about any of the following grants, please contact us on 1300 972 753 or by email at

    Calling for Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Committee Members

    We are calling for Expressions of Interest from community members who have an interest in the arts to become members of the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Committee.

    To register your expression of interest in becoming a committee member please submit a letter detailing your experience and/or interest in the Arts to:

    Whitsunday Regional Council
    Attn: RADF Liaison Officer
    PO Box 104

RADF Documents

RADF Documents

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  • Financial support for a Junior Elite Athlete is available for all residents who are 18 years or younger at the time of competition, and who have been residing within the Whitsunday Regional Council Local Government Area for at least 12 months or more.

    To be eligible, a Junior Athlete must meet the following criteria:

    • be 18 years or younger at the time of competition,
    • be representing North Queensland, Queensland or Australia or equivalent in an officially recognised State, National or International event,
    • has no outstanding debt to Council,
    • be amateur in status,
    • supply written verification of selection from the relevant organisation,
    • provide evidence of associated costs to participate in the competition,
    • provide a statutory declaration of applicant’s financial contribution and residency, and
    • Applications must be received prior to the competition. Applications for competitions that have already occurred will NOT be considered.

    The level of funding available will be based on a progressive scale, the higher the level in representation, the larger the financial support available.

    NOTE:  Applications submitted without the requested documents will not be considered.

Junior Athlete Financial Support Documents

Junior Athlete Financial Support Documents

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  • We are pleased to be able to provide financial assistance to community groups as part of the Community Assistance Grants Policy. The focus of the policy is to recognise the important role volunteer based organisations have in the region and how we can best support their endeavours.

    Sport & Recreation Clubs Grant

    This is available to sport & recreation clubs with funding based on participation levels. Available all year-round. 

    Facility Management Grant

    This is available to organisations that manage multi use sports facilities. Conditions apply. Available all year-round. 

    Special Projects Grant

    The Special Projects Grant is available to all incorporated community groups and are offered in rounds during the financial year with applications up to $10,000 being considered.

    We will be holding the Special Projects Grants over three (3) rounds in the 2024/25 financial year. These will be as follows:

    Round 1 Open:  Monday, 22 July 2024
    Close:  Wednesday, 4 September 2024
    Round 2 Open:  Monday, 4 November 2024
    Close:  Wednesday, 15 January 2025
    Round 3 Open:  Monday, 24 February 2025
    Close:  Wednesday, 9 April 2025

    NOTE: No applicant is guaranteed funding, nor is an applicant guaranteed funding to the full amount requested.

    Please note, Round 3 is the final round for the 2024/25 period and is set to close Wednesday 9 April 2025. Late applications will not be accepted.

Community Assistance Grant Documents

Community Assistance Grant Documents

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  • The purpose of the Facade Improvement Policy is to incentivise property and/or business owners in the Main Street of Proserpine, the Business Centre of Bowen, Stanley Street in Collinsville and the Main Street of Airlie Beach to improve their shopfronts.

    The primary objectives of the policy is to:

    • To improve the visual amenity and appeal of the streetscape;
    • To encourage economic development;
    • To encourage maintenance improvements of properties; and
    • To promote a sense of place and community.

    How does the funding work?

    Our contribution to each grant will be to up to 50% of the eligible works and will be capped depending on the following factors:

    • For shopfronts up to and including 12 metres long: a maximum Council contribution of $3000 may be granted; or
    • For shopfronts over 12 metres: a maximum Council contribution of $5000 may be granted.
    • In either case no more than $500 can be attributed to landscaping.

    Further information on the assessment process is available within the policy below.

Facade Improvement Incentive Documents

Facade Improvement Incentive Documents

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  • We partner with Queensland Corrective Services to provide beneficial works projects for the community and rehabilitate offenders with their return to society.

    The Townsville Correctional Centre's Bowen Women's Work Camp was established in Bowen in 2007. The region is one of only two areas in Queensland to host a female Department of Corrective Services Work Camp. The Work Camp is a highly successful program for local community and sporting groups alike, with the team participating in many restoration and general maintenance projects.

    The primary objectives of the program are to:

    • provide reparation to the community by engaging offenders in constructive employment on projects that enhance community life and maintain community assets
    • enable offenders to develop work and life skills that may increase their chances of successful re-integration into the community on release
    • encourage offenders to develop a work ethic by engaging them in regular work practices and encouraging responsibility

    Application to become a Work Program Community Project

    If you are involved in a community/sporting group within the region and require the assistance of the Work Camp Team, please complete the Application Form land return it to one of our Customer Service Centres across the region or email to

    Please note that the Comissioner has placed all Queensland Corrective Service facilities into Stage 3 COVID restrictions, therefore all community project work has been suspended until further notice.

Women's Work Camp Documents

Women's Work Camp Documents

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