Have Your Say
We believe your input will help inform and influence the decisions we make. We engage with you on a variety of topics such as major projects, construction impacts, planning studies, community aspirations and changes in policy and legislation. Our Community Engagement Strategy outlines our principles and objectives for engaging with the community, and can be viewed here.
Visit our online engagement space Your Say Whitsunday to have your say and get involved. There are a range of online tools available for each project on the website, such as surveys, guestbook comments, polls and mapping tools, plus all the information and materials you need to develop your feedback.
To comment on a current development application, please visit the Development Assessment page for further information.
A petition is a formal, written request, signed by a minimum of 10 persons. The petition is presented to the Council meeting as a mechanism to formally seek action from Council when other means or avenues to resolve the issue have been exhausted. Council can be petitioned for any matter that comes under its jurisdiction.
How to lodge a petition
To submit a petition to Whitsunday Regional Council, you must follow the rules for petitions as outlined in Councils Standing Orders, and they are as follows:
Any petition presented to a meeting of Council shall:
- be in legible writing or typewritten and contain a minimum of ten (10) signatures;
- include the name and contact details of the Principal Petitioner (i.e. one person who is the organiser and who will act as the key contact for the issue);
- include the name, postcode and signatures of all petitioners;
- address issues relating to Council’s responsibilities; or issues which affect the Whitsunday Region or communities within the region, provided Council is in a position to exercise some degree of influence; and
- have the details of the specific request/matter appear on each page of the petition.
To lodge a petition, fill out the Petition to Whitsunday Regional Council template, or create your own providing it follows Council’s Standing Orders guidelines. Once the petition has been completed, email the petition to info@whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au, request your local Councillor to present the petition, or alternatively post the petition to:The Chief Executive Officer
Whitsunday Regional Council
PO Box 104
Proserpine QLD 4800How petitions are processed
A petition to Whitsunday Regional Council will be presented by either the Mayor or one of the Councillors at the next available Ordinary Council Meeting.
In accordance with Council's standing orders:
a) That the petition be received;
b) Received and referred to the Chief Executive Officer for consideration and a report to the Council;
c) Received and referred to the Chief Executive Officer to determine appropriate action; or
d) Not be received because it is deemed invalid.