Council Meetings and Agendas

Council Meeting Livestream

Council's Ordinary Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 26 February 2025 at 9am. Members of the public are encouraged to watch the Livestream from 9am. 


The Council meeting is streamed using YouTube streaming services at 1080p, please check your picture quality settings within YouTube if you experience lower resolution streaming.


Recordings of proceedings are not an official record of the meeting, nor do they convey the official minutes of a meeting or the position of the Council. The Council takes no responsibility for, and accepts no liability, in the event that live streaming of a meeting, a recording of a meeting, or the Council’s website is unavailable.

Statements and, or actions made by Individuals

Statements made by individual persons at a meeting, and which may be contained in a live stream or recording of the meeting are those of the individuals making them, and not of the Council. To be clear, unless set out in a resolution the Council does not endorse or support such statements.The Council does not accept any liability for statements made or actions taken by individuals during a meeting that may be contrary to law, including discriminatory, defamatory or offensive comments. Such statements or actions are not protected by privilege and may be the subject of legal proceedings and potential liability, for which the Council takes no responsibility.

Meetings and Minutes

Council holds Ordinary Meetings once a month from 9am.

Council adopts a schedule that covers the entire local government area to enable opportunities for all residents to attend meetings and raise issues of concern.

All meetings are open to the public, however Council may choose to close the meeting to discuss a confidential issue under the Local Government Regulation 2012.

Regular meetings enable Council to set clear policy and direction and provide open channels of communication with senior managers, staff, residents and ratepayers of the region.

  • Public question time provides an opportunity for people to ask questions about council’s activities, not make statements. Anyone wishing to address council and make a statement may do so under the deputation section of Council Meeting agenda. 

    The procedures for the conduct of public question time at meetings of the Whitsunday Regional Council are set out as per the Council Meeting Standing Orders.

    As per Councils standing orders:

    Time may be required to permit members of the public to address the local government on matters of public interest related to local government. An appropriate period shall not exceed 15 minutes and no more than three (3) speakers shall be permitted to speak at one meeting. The right of any individual to address the local government during this period shall be at the absolute discretion of the local government.

    How do I submit a public question? 

    Members of the public are encouraged to submit their public questions to or hand the question in to the Customer Service team prior to the Council Meeting. Please ensure you leave contact details for the Governance team to contact you.

    What happens after I submit the question?

    Once you have submitted your question, it will be forward onto the CEO and Mayor for approval. Once the Mayor has granted approval, you will be contacted by the secretary to confirm the details of your attendance.

    What happens at the meeting?

    During the public question time section of the agenda – the Mayor will invite you up to address Council regarding your public question.

    Any public questions raised at an Ordinary Council Meeting will not be responded to on the day. The response will be provided in writing and included into the next Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda under the Business Arising section.

  • A Deputation is a collective way to lobby Council to address an issue of concern from an individual or group (of up to 3 people), appointed to take part in a formal process.

    It should be noted that deputations are a public process and as such, the identity of persons making a deputation to Council will be on the public record as well as livestreamed on the day.   

    Deputations must be submitted in accordance with Council's Standing Orders and Meeting Procedures Policy.

    How do I submit a deputation request?

    A person/group wishing to make a deputation must submit an application form to the Chief Executive Officer prior to the Council Meeting. The submission can be delivered into one of the customer service centres, sent via email to or sent by post to PO Box 104, Proserpine QLD 4800.

    What happens after I submit my deputation request?

    The CEO, on receiving an application for a deputation, shall notify the Chairperson who will determine whether the deputation may be heard.

    Where it has been determined that the deputation will be heard, you will be notified accordingly by the minute clerk and any arrangements for your attendance will be organised. The meetings generally commence at 9.00am (unless stated otherwise on the notice of meeting). Where it has been determined that the deputation has been approved - it is expected that you arrive prior to the meeting commencing to present the deputation.

    If you have material you wish to hand out to elected members at the meeting please provide eight copies to our minute clerk by 5pm the Tuesday prior to the meeting. If you wish to present a Powerpoint with your deputation, it must also be provided to to the minute clerk by 5pm Tuesday via

    What happens at the meeting?

    During the order of business, time is set aside on the agenda for deputations. You will be invited by the chairperson to come forward and make your deputation on the topic or issue which you have nominated.

    Deputations are limited to the topic or issue which has been nominated in the written request. The time allocated for deputations may be determined by the chairperson however, may not exceed 15 minutes.

    The Chairperson may terminate an address by a person in a deputation at any time where:

    • The Chairperson is satisfied that the purpose of the deputation has been sufficiently explained to the Councillors at the meeting;
    • The time period allowed for a deputation has expired; or
    • The person uses insulting or offensive language or is derogatory towards Councillors or staff members.

    What happens after the Deputation?

    Once the deputation has been presented, the deputation will be recorded in the minutes with a statement of who presented the deputation only.

Council Meeting Dates 2025

Date Venue
29 January Bowen Council Chambers
26 February Proserpine Council Chambers
26 March Bowen Council Chambers
23 April Proserpine Council Chambers
28 May Bowen Council Chambers
18 June Proserpine Council Chambers
30 July Bowen Council Chambers
27 August Proserpine Council Chambers
24 September Bowen Council Chambers
29 October Proserpine Council Chambers
26 November Bowen Council Chambers
10 December Proserpine Council Chambers

Council Meeting Minutes and Agendas

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If you are seeking copies of old agendas and minutes, please contact us on 1300 972 753.

As of 27 September 2023 Council Meeting recordings will remain public. They can be accessed via our YouTube Channel.

Council Meeting Recordings