Water Billing Options and Water Tariff Calculator

We are giving ratepayers who own residential dwellings, residential flats and multi self-contained residential units the opportunity to choose their preferred water billing option.

Two-Part Tariff

The basis of this water tariff includes:

  • an annual charge for all connections to the system (known as the Access Charge); and
  • a charge for each kilolitre of water consumed (Water Consumption Charge), This is on two tiers with Tier 1 consisting of consumption up to 1 Kilolitre per day for the billing period and Tier 2 consisting of consumption above the Tier 1.

Allocation Tariff

The basis of this water tariff includes:

  • an annual charge for all connections to the system (Access Charge) including an set allocation (allocation Quantity) of water each year; and
  • a charge for each kilolitre of water consumed above the Allocation Quantity. This is referred to as the Excess Water Consumption Charge.

If a community title property wishes to be charged as per the Allocation Tariff, the body corporate need to make the application on behalf of all properties within the community title.

How do I know if I should move to the Allocation Tariff?

Water Tariff Calculator

Use the water tariff calculator below to see how much you are likely to pay under each water tariff. Please note this is an indicator only and not a definitive guide to deciding on the tariff that is most suited for your circumstances.

What if I don't have an old water notice?

Please contact our Rates Department on 1300 972 753.

Indicating your preference

Property owners can indicate the tariff under which they wish to be billed using the Water Tariff Preference Indication Form.

If you choose to remain on your current tariff:

If you choose to continue to be charged under your current tariff, you are not required to take any action. This includes:

  • If you were on the Two-Part Tariff for 2023/24 and wish to remain on that tariff for 2024/25; or
  • If you were on the Allocation Tariff for 2023/24 and wish to remain on that tariff for 2024/25.

If you wish to change your current tariff:

If you want to change the water tariff under which you will be charged for 2024/25, then you need to complete and return the “Water Tariff Preference Indication Form” to Council by 4.30 pm on 19 July 2024. This includes:

  • If you were on the Two-Part Tariff for 2023/24 and wish to change to the Allocation Tariff for 2024/25; or
  • If you Opted-In for the Allocation Tariff in 2023/24 and wish to Opt-out of that tariff to the Two-Part Tariff for 2024/25.

Water Billing Schedule

July/August 2024

Ratepayers will receive their Water Notice for the period December 2023 to June 2024. If a ratepayer already on the Allocation Tariff has used more than the Allocated quantity of 650kl for the period from June 2023 to June 2024, they will receive an excess charge notice (charged at $6.18 per kl.) From June 2024 to June 2025 the excess charge will be $6.67 per kl.

August 2024

Ratepayers will receive their half yearly Rates Notice which will include the Access Charge or the Allocation Charge depending on the preference you have indicated.

February 2025

Ratepayers will receive their second half yearly Rates Notice and Water Notice for the period June 2024 to December 2025.

July/August 2025

Ratepayers will receive their Water Notice for the period December 2024 to June 2025. If a ratepayer already on the Allocation Tariff has used more than the Allocated quantity of 650kl for the period from June 2024 to June 2025, they will receive an excess charge notice (charged at $6.67 per kl.)

Monitoring your water usage

Ratepayers are encouraged to check their meter regularly to avoid undetected water loss.

We recommend that ratepayers contact Council on 1300 972 753 to request their water service be turned off at the meter, for periods when the property is unoccupied.

Water Tariff Calculator

Note: This calculator is an indicator only. It's accuracy is dependent on the accuracy of the consumption entered. If consumption varies, the bills and comparison will also change. Council accepts no responsibility or liability for decisions made based on the results of this Water Tariff Calculator.

enter annual water usage here:  

Please refer to your half yearly water notice - double the water usage shown on this notice to get your estimated annual consumption. this consumption is worked out on a 182-day period. This may vary depending on when your water meter is read.

Allocation Tariff

Access charge
Excess charge
Two part tariff

Access charge
1st tier charge
2nd tier charge

The charge for your usage for each system will be:

Allocation Tariff
Access charge
Excess charge
Total annual charge
Two Part Tariff
Access charge
1st tier charge
2nd tier charge
Total annual charge