Littering and Illegal Dumping

Littering and illegal dumping is the unlawful deposit of any type of waste and is an offence under the Waste Reduction & Recycling Act 2011. It is a serious concern for the community and a key priority for Council.

Cleaning up litter and illegally dumped waste costs thousands of dollars of ratepayer’s money every year, and damages and pollutes the natural environment that we live in.

When waste is dumped illegally, it also:

  • affects the safety and enjoyment of our outdoor spaces,
  • threatens wildlife,
  • blocks waterways,
  • has the potential to introduce pests and weeds, and
  • could cause fires or road accidents.

Common illegally dumped items include:

  • household rubbish and goods (whitegoods, mattresses and furniture)
  • garden waste
  • tyres
  • chemical drums and paint tins
  • asbestos
  • building waste
  • cars and car batteries

Council Waste Facilities

Any domestic waste less than 2m3 can be disposed of free of charge at our waste facilities.

We have several satellite stations that the community can access if they are not located near a landfill or transfer station. Only household waste and green waste are accepted at satellite stations. If you dispose of an item that is not permitted at a satellite station it can be classed as illegal dumping.  

Waste that isn’t accepted at Satellite Stations includes:  

  • commercial waste 
  • steel, timber or building materials
  • tyres 
  • asbestos or any other regulated waste (contaminated soil etc) 
  • furniture or whitegoods 
  • car batteries 
  • engine oil 

Penalties for illegal dumping

Council regularly monitors for illegal dumping across the region via inspections and CCTV cameras. We also investigate reports of illegal dumping and littering.

If you are caught littering or illegally dumping (including at satellite stations) one of Council’s officers can issue you an on the spot fine or take further legal action depending on the volume and severity. The penalties can be viewed here.

How to lodge a complaint

When you report an incident of illegal dumping, your details will remain confidential. Please provide as much information as possible, including: 

  • Time and date of incident 
  • Address or/and GPS co-ordinates 
  • Type and amount of waste 
  • Description of the alleged offender 
  • Vehicle description including colour, model, registration number
  • Photographic evidence.

If you witness an incident of illegal dumping, it is important to consider your safety. Do not approach the vehicle or individuals, let them know you’re there or touch the dumped materials.

Lodge your complaint with us on 1300 972 753 or as soon as possible and with the information requested above. 

Littering and illegal dumping can also be reported to the Queensland Government, by phoning 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or emailing

For more information on illegal dumping, visit the Queensland Government Illegal Dumping page.