2024 Land Valuations
The Queensland Government’s Valuer-General issued land valuations to all landowners in 20 different Queensland local government areas, in accordance with the Land Valuation Act 2010.
For any queries regarding these Valuations, please call 1300 664 217.
Download the State Government’s FAQ’s
Queensland Government's Valuer-General issued land valuations were issued, and my land value has increased by 60 per cent. Does this mean my Council rates will increase by 60 per cent?
Just because the valuation may have doubled doesn’t mean that the rates will double. The changes in valuations will be considered in the rating methods used by Council but the valuation is only one component of the calculation and Council will be reassessing all rating categories as it does each year and with each budget.
Council has recently received the land valuation data from the Department of Resources and is aware that there are increases in valuations across the region. These increases are currently being modelled against the rating structure in place so that information can be presented to Council as part of the upcoming budget process for consideration on any rating changes.
What has sparked such an increase in land value in the region?
The increases in land values are driven by sales in the local market and reflect the changing demand for land and lifestyle in the Whitsunday region. Some of which is a reflection of interstate and intrastate migration to the Whitsunday region.
Council last had a valuation in 2021 so the time since this valuation has also seen significant property sales across the region. Ideally more frequent revaluations may help limit changes into the future.
Disagree with your land valuation?
Queensland landowners, who do not agree with their valuation, and can supply information to support their claim, may lodge an objection. Objections to these valuations can be lodged with the Queensland Government prior to 27 May 2024.
The objection guidelines, forms and further information can be obtained by visiting the Land Valuations website or by phoning 1300 664 217