EOI - Audit & Risk Committee Independent Member


The Role

Whitsunday Regional Council (“Council”) is seeking expressions of interest for two (2) independent members for the Whitsunday Regional Council Audit and Risk Committee (‘Committee’). The positions are for an initial term of four (4) years from the date of appointment. 

The role of the Audit and Risk Committee is to provide guidance and advice to the Council, in relation to: 

  • Risk Management and Internal Controls.
  • External and Internal Audits.
  • Status of Audit Recommendations.
  • Financial Management.
  • Compliance with legislation, regulations, standards, and best practice guidelines. 
  • Cyber Security, Information Management and Data Security.

The appointment process will consider the qualifications, skills and expertise required for the functions of the Audit and Risk Committee. Exposure to local government is not essential but will be highly regarded. The Committee is seeking professionals with Procurement or Cyber Security expertise to enhance the Committee’s current skill mix.  The Audit and Risk Committee comprises of five members, made up of two Elected Members (Councillors) and three external Independent Members (inclusive of the Independent Chairperson). The Audit and Risk Committee meets six (6) times per year, and each meeting runs for approximately four (4) hours at Council Administration Office in Proserpine. 

Each member must attend in person and ensure they have capacity to adequately consider the agenda papers prior to each meeting. In adherence to relevant legislative requirements, members will be eligible for meeting fee and reimbursement of reasonable expenses relating to their duties. The successful candidates will be recommended to the Council for appointment to the Audit and Risk Committee. Unsuccessful candidates may be added to a pool for future consideration when independent member positions become available. 

For further information or to request the Audit & Risk Committee Independent Member Selection Criteria and Audit & Risk Committee Charter please email governance@whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au 

To be considered for appointment, applications inclusive of both resume and cover letter must be submitted by 5pm on Tuesday 2 July 2024 to governance@whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au

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